Utility & NFT Token Use Cases
Platform Use Case: Sports Campaign Launcher
Clubs on the SD³ Platform have every tool they need to provide alternative financing sources by offering unique, tradable and scarce digital experiences (E³) to fans
NFT launchpad built in SD³
Online polls & voting on Blockchain are standard features developed on the SD³ platform which enable sports clubs to monetize fan-engagement and receive additional streams of funds.
Simpler model than Chiliz, more intuitive for Fans and customers
Marketplace Model
Like Open Sea, Fans can resell their Fan-Tokens, NFTs and other E³ experiences such as virtual meetups, AMAs, or the right to enter certain physical events
Fees from the marketplace are used to buyback SD³-Coins
This creates upward price pressure as a function of demand captured on the SD³ Marketplace
Buyback formula = 20% quarterly profit x market-rate for SD³-Coins
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